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Criteria for Effective Decision Making

Decision Quality

This outcome reflects the analytical or impersonal aspects of the decision. A high quality decision is consistent with potentially available information concerning the probability of achieving oneís goals if the decision were effectively implemented.

Decision Implementation

Many high quality or analytically sound decisions have failed because they were poorly implemented. The implementation of decisions is in turn affected by the degree to which they are understood by others and the exent to which these others are committed to effectively carry them out.


Making decisions can deplete scarce resources and hence incur costs. The costs with which the model is concerned are the time and energy of organizational members.


A leader's behavior, including the form and degree to which the group is involved in decision making, can have substantial effect on their growth and development, both as individuals and as a team. There are three distinguishable outcomes which can follow from appropriate uses of participation. They are:
  1. Increases in individual knowledge and skill — while it may not always be true that "practice makes perfect," practice such as that provided in participation is an essential ingredient of skill development
  2. Team building — when people interact with others, they tend to bond with them, and experience them as colleagues
  3. Identification with organizational goals — participation tends to increase the degree to which people experience themselves as a part of the organization and identify with its goals
We have lumped all three outcomes together under the general heading of development. Since they all increase the potential value of the group to the organization, this question refers to the value that you personally place on such growth and development.