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Likelihood of Commitment


Enabling group members to participate in decision making is one way of obtaining their commitment or "buy in." But one cannot overlook the fact that there exist situations in which the group would be perfectly willing for you, as leader, to make the decision. This situational factor concerns the degree to which the group is likely to effectively support your solution to the problem. Note that we are not asking about begrudging compliance but about genuine acceptance or "buy in."

Your judgment on this factor should be informed by your personal relationship with group members. Do they view you as the expert? Do you have their trust, confidence, and respect? Do they think that it is your responsibility to make the decision? You should also consider your own persuasive skills in communicating the role that you would like the group to play in carrying out the decision and in obtaining their commitment to that role.

The likelihood that a group will effectively implement an autocratic decision made by the leader may also depend on what is decided. Some decisions are more palatable and are more easily "sold" than others. In answering this question, you should think of the probability of obtaining needed support for the alternative that you believe will best advance the attainment of the organization's objectives.

If you are certain or very confident that you could "sell" your solution to the problem, select High or Probably High. If you don't know, choose Uncertain. If you are certain or believe it quite likely that the group would not be committed to a decision made without their involvement, choose Low or Probably Low.


  1. Your position of chief resident combined with your record of making fast and accurate diagnoses in the emergency ward has earned you a great deal of respect among the young interns. An ambulance has just arrived with a patient with severe internal injuries resulting from an automobile accident. The internists look to you for direction.
  2. You are a Captain in charge of three platoons in Saudi Arabia. The war with Iraq is over. All your troops are looking forward to returning home. You have just been told by your Lieutenant Colonel that one of your three platoons will need to remain for an additional month to aid in mine destruction. Your three platoon leaders will respect whichever decision you make.
  1. You have just been appointed vice-president of purchasing in the small corporate staff of a large manufacturing company. You have a dotted line relationship to the purchasing managers located in each plant. Up to now the company has been operated in a highly decentralized fashion. Your problem is how to realize the potential benefits of centralized purchasing.
  2. Shortly after assuming your new position, you receive a directive to trim your labor force by 100 positions. Your eight product managers do not feel that you know enough about the operation to make a wise decision. Furthermore, each is likely to be resentful of decisions which cut their personnel.