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Likelihood of Disagreement


Some decision problems are highly controversial. It is likely that group members might differ among themselves about (1) the nature of the current state — how serious are the present conditions, (2) the desired state — where should we be going, or (3) the best method for moving from where we are to where we want to be. Such differences are likely to be reflected in disagreement or conflict within the group about what ought to be done to solve the problem.

Note that we are not addressing personality conflicts among group members but rather those conflicts or disagreements that are likely to be manifest in differences about what ought to be done in solving this problem.

If you believe it very likely or quite likely that such conflict or disagreement would be present, select High or Probably High. If you don't know, select Uncertain; and if you believe disagreements to be nonexistent or very mild, select Low or Probably Low.


  1. Your office building was severely damaged by fire, and it will be necessary to move to a new location across town. The available offices for your team vary substantially in size and other amenities.
  2. Sales of your line of health food products are being jeopardized by the circulation of fliers on college campuses incorrectly alleging that your company is a supporter of extreme right-wing organizations and advocating a boycott of your products. Your staff is deeply divided on what steps to take.
  1. As R&D director, you have received an invitation from manufacturing to have your staff work on a severe quality control problem that has recently developed. You know that your research staff will "look down" on this invitation, viewing it as applied research and not worthy of their time and attention.
  2. It is time to replace the office copier. As office manager, you know that the staff share an enthusiasm for one manufacturer who has given excellent service in the past.